SF Grandmaster Samuel R. Delany interviewed on the Oddcast

Living Grand Master of Science Fiction (and Nebula Award winning author) Samuel R. Delany joins Oddcast this week to talk about his latest novel The Atheist in the Attic, about a meeting between philosophers Leibniz and  Spinoza set during a frightening period in the history of the Netherlands. Along the way he reveals how one early major work of his was lost forever, and also how he came to be called “Chip”.
Samuel R. Delany

James Patrick Kelly takes us into wild SF Space on the Oddcast

This week on the Oddcast, Nebula-award-winning science fiction author James Patrick Kelly talks to us about the rewards of writing short stories, of braided novels and collaborations, and of the creative method by which he’s brought out his latest novel, Mother Go, through Audible.

James Patrick Kelly on the Oddcast

Reading at the KGB

Last night’s reading at the KGB Bar was a terrific good time for me. I thank Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel for arranging this; people like Rick Bowes and John Kwok for being on hand (and Liz Gorinsky–Happy Hugo night, Liz!); but most of all, the pleasure of reading alongside Rajan Khanna, whose previous two books I will now perforce go out and find. I took just one shot of Raj reading, but it turned out nice and impressionistic…as if Edward Hopper painted it. (Hope Elizabeth likes it, too.)


Rajan Khanna reading at KGB