David Morrell Thrills the Liars Club

This week, a very special Oddcast for me, featuring the internationally acclaimed, bestselling author of 32 books, David Morrell, whom I’ve known since way way back at the University of Iowa (that was in the Late Devouring Period). He is the co-founder of the International Thriller Writers Organization, a Bouchercon Lifetime Achievement Award winner, and International Thriller Writers’ Thriller Master. He talks with me, Jon McGoranMerry Deedee JonesKelly Simmons, and Keith Strunk about his early success writing the Rambo series, including First Blood; watching his books turn into movies; and writing about the craft of writing itself…and then there are his most recent works, the sublime Thomas De Quincey historical thrillers: Murder as a Fine Art, Inspector of the Dead, and Ruler of the Night.

Welcome, David Morrell.

David Morrell on the Oddcast

Andy Duncan, Award-winning short-story author, breaks up the Oddcast

This week on the Liars Club Oddcast, a conversation with Nebula, World Fantasy, and Theodore Sturgeon Award-winning short science-fiction-and-fantasy fiction author Andy Duncan. His short stories are currently available in two collections, Beluthahatchie, and The Pottawatomie Giant, to be joined by a third, An Agent of Utopia, this fall from Small Beer Press.

Andy Duncan on the Oddcast

SF Grandmaster Samuel R. Delany interviewed on the Oddcast

Living Grand Master of Science Fiction (and Nebula Award winning author) Samuel R. Delany joins Oddcast this week to talk about his latest novel The Atheist in the Attic, about a meeting between philosophers Leibniz and  Spinoza set during a frightening period in the history of the Netherlands. Along the way he reveals how one early major work of his was lost forever, and also how he came to be called “Chip”.
Samuel R. Delany