Wild Chuck Wendig Wows the Oddcast

That Terrible Mind, author Chuck Wendig, with 20 novels under his belt in just 7 years (he doesn’t sleep), joins the Oddcast crew to talk about writing thrillers, blogs, Star Wars tie-in books, games, books on writing, and more. A laugh-out-loud interview this week on the Liars Club Oddcast.

Chuck Wendig on the Oddcast

National Book Award finalist Beth Kephart joins us on the Oddcast

On this week’s Oddcast: Memoirist, teacher, prolific author Beth Kephart gives us insight into Juncture Workshops, her memoir writing events, and talks about what it’s like to juggle projects and have several books coming out in the same year (and sometimes at the same time).  With over 20 books to her name, she is a force to be reckoned with.

Beth Kephart on the Oddcast

Historical Author Janet Benton on the Oddcast

Janet Benton talks about writing and researching her debut novel Lilli De Jong, and tells us why Kirkus Reviews called it a “monumental achievement.” Author Jamie Ford adds:“A powerful, authentic voice for a generation of women whose struggles were erased from history—a heart-smashing debut that completely satisfies.”

She has worked at magazines and newspapers and taught at four colleges, as well as running the writer’s workshop The Word Studio. Find out about all this and more on the LIARS CLUB ODDCAST (and check out Jon McGoran, Bill Russell, and a host of others).
