Qian Julie Wang–a “Beautiful Country” interview

On the Liars Club Oddcast, Qian Julie Wang, NY Times-bestselling author of the memoir Beautiful Country (a #ReadWithJenna Best Book of 2021).

A graduate of Yale Law School and Swarthmore College, she now works to provide underprivileged communities the type of legal representation typically reserved for wealthy corporate interests.
In her memoir she lays bare how the fear underlying growing up as an illegal immigrant warps and distorts your life, your world. It’s a harrowing conversation, with the Oddcast authors.
Qian Julie Wang interview

National Book Award finalist Beth Kephart joins us on the Oddcast

On this week’s Oddcast: Memoirist, teacher, prolific author Beth Kephart gives us insight into Juncture Workshops, her memoir writing events, and talks about what it’s like to juggle projects and have several books coming out in the same year (and sometimes at the same time).  With over 20 books to her name, she is a force to be reckoned with.

Beth Kephart on the Oddcast

Interviews and Readings from the 2016 Rosemont Writers Retreat

A nice collection of interviews with fiction writers, memoirists, and poets who taught alongside me at this year’s stellar Rosemont Retreat run by Carla Spataro.

Beth Kephart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNgk5gq1ogk

Jennifer Steil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI7j1S4e_sA

Tawni Waters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vHNiZmMDy8

Grant Clauser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0BhFvolAfE