Qian Julie Wang–a “Beautiful Country” interview

On the Liars Club Oddcast, Qian Julie Wang, NY Times-bestselling author of the memoir Beautiful Country (a #ReadWithJenna Best Book of 2021).

A graduate of Yale Law School and Swarthmore College, she now works to provide underprivileged communities the type of legal representation typically reserved for wealthy corporate interests.
In her memoir she lays bare how the fear underlying growing up as an illegal immigrant warps and distorts your life, your world. It’s a harrowing conversation, with the Oddcast authors.
Qian Julie Wang interview

Martha Wells and her Murderbot Diaries Join the Oddcast

This week on the Oddcast, award-winning fantasy and science fiction author Martha Wells. Her latest work is a series of four novellas collectively titled The Murderbot Diaries. The first, All Systems Red, has already won the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Awards. She explores writing without an outline, the value of workshops, and the creation of a “first-person omniscient” voice in her conversation with cohosts Gregory Frost, Merry Jones, Jon McGoran, and Keith Strunk.

Martha Wells on the Oddcasst

Your Mid-Book Crisis, on the Oddcast

Wherein we present a round-table discussion about the middles of novels (and stories), which are often the most frustrating to writers, where one is beset by the Dark Night of Despair. Join Liars Club members Kelly Simmons, Jon McGoran, Merry Jones, Keith Strunk, and me as once again we try to save the world (of writing).

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