Wired.com Interview plus “Babelzine 3”

Sometimes when it rains it pours. As an example, today I wrapped up the revisions of the second RHYMER novel (yay me). And:

  1. An Interview I did with Wired.com’s Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy went live. The interview discusses Rhymer, but also a number of short stories contained in my first collection, recently reprinted in ebook format as The Girlfriends of Dorian Gray & Other Stories, at Book View Café.
  2. I received by mail a copy of Babelzine Vol. 3, a Japanese fantasy & science fiction magazine containing a translation of one of those stories, “Madonna of the Maquiladora.” (See below)

A nice way to start July.

RHYMER Cover Reveal

With today being the official start of the 44th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, it seemed like a good day for the full-on cover reveal for RHYMER (art by Eric L. Williams), which is now available as an eARC (and also the first half is available as part of a story bundle) from Baen Books. I’ll be reading from the novel on Friday morning. Cheers.

RHYMER eARC is available now

I’ve been informed that my new novel Rhymer is now available from Baen Books as an eARC! This is months before its official release date.

So, if you like to dive into books ahead of schedule, grab your e-copy today.


