RHYMER eARC is available now

I’ve been informed that my new novel Rhymer is now available from Baen Books as an eARC! This is months before its official release date.

So, if you like to dive into books ahead of schedule, grab your e-copy today.




Weird Tales Interviews Me for Issue 364

Author Jon McGoran interviews me in conjunction with my story “Ellende” in the latest issue of Weird Tales (“The Magazine that Never Dies”), in a discussion about the history of the ‘zine, my relationship to it, and why I decided to set a Lovecraftian tale in the wilds of northern Minnesota.


Ripping Yarns

’Tis the season, it seems, for the return of Jack the Ripper, that figure cloaked in fog and mystery that never seems to stray far from our imaginations. A lot of writers of every stripe have written stories about him, including Harlan Ellison, Robert Bloch, my pal Tim Sullivan, and me for that matter (“From Hell Again,” a story originally penned for an earlier Ripper anthology edited by Gardner Dozois and Susan Casper). We are all in among other good company in the just-released BIG BOOK of JACK THE RIPPER, edited by Otto Penzler, and reviewed a bit on the International Thriller Writers’ The Big Thrill site. (And when Mr. Penzler says “big” he means 1000+ pages—this is the definitive gathering of stories and non-fiction pieces).

Otto Penzler: The Big Book of Jack the Ripper

It’s been Grand Guignol ya.
