Weird Tales #364 is now available for ordering

The latest issue of WEIRD TALES–#364–is now out, including work from me, Linda Addison, Joe R. Lansdale, Seanan McGuire, Dacre Stoker, and many others…Go forth and be terrified!

“A Hard Day’s Night at the Opera” reading sample

The editors of the Beatles-themed anthology Across the Universe, Michael A. Ventrella and Randee Dawn, are posting videos of various authors in the anthology reading from their work. Mine just went live on YouTube at:

Across the Universe readings

Author-editor-lawyer-speaker Michael Ventrella on the Oddcast this week

On the Oddcast this week we interview Michael Ventrella: author, editor, speaker, and lawyer. His latest non-fiction book is How to Argue the Constitution with a Conservative from Gray Rabbit Publications, featuring artwork from Pulitzer-Prize winning editorial cartoonist Darrin Bell. Anthologies include Baker Street Irregulars (co-edited with New York Times Bestselling Author Jonathan Maberry) and, most recently, Across the Universe, a Beatles-themed anthology (co-edited with Randee Dawn) from Fantastic Books. He also heads the Pocono Liars Club. Among other things, Ventrella discusses why you want to refresh yourself on the Constitution, and what it means to write books about The Monkees. With the Oddcast Irregulars: Gregory Frost, Jon McGoran, Kelly Simmons, Merry Jones and Keith Strunk.

Michael Ventrella Oddcast