SF Signal Reviews Shadowbridge

One is always incredibly delighted if not airborne when someone who grasps the scope of a work writes it up…and in that category, it doesn’t get much better than Rob H. Bedford’s review at SF Signal.

SF Signal: The Completist Reviews the SHADOWBRIDGE DUOLOGY


A thoughtful BVC post from Nancy Jane Moore

At Book View Cafe: A great post about Butch Hancock, aikido philosophy, and practicing kindness, from Nancy Jane Moore.
“Love Everybody, No Exceptions”


Book View Cafe

No Others Are Genuine

Sweet! I have just received contributor’s copies of the October-November 2013 double issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, which contains my novelette “No Others Are Genuine.” On the stands and available in eformats almost immediately.  And in very good company, too, including my old pal Jack Dann, Paul Di Filipo, and the great Kristine Kathryn Rusch.


Asimov’s double issue containing “No Others Are Genuine.”